August 20, 2013


Babymoon trend
The latest trend for mom's to be? Babymoons! A getaway before the baby arrives and a much needed R&R with the daddy to be is a great way to : obviously relax and connect with your partner. However, don't wait too long in your pregnancy to go away on vacation as most airlines require a doctor's note to state expected date of birth. Normally, a no go after 32 weeks.
起初,我也想去一个迷你babymoonbut with my husband's work schedule it just wasn't possible + working as a flight attendant the last thing I want to do is get on a plane. I stopped working flights at the end of six months, back pain & swelling just aren't the right combo for a flying metal tube. But, a few friends of mine have gone on babymoons and were so grateful for the getaway. Once the baby comes forget about sleep...

Use sunscreen! Skinceuticals Super Physical for face is my fave and the new Neutrogena Beach Defense spray-on sunscreen is super easy to apply.
在海滩上掩盖!穿时尚的灯罩。没有妈妈想克服加热 +刚加热=肿胀!
Wear a hat!
Vacation/Health insurance (be prepared)


  1. Well goodness, what a romantic idea! You're smart to mention things like health insurance and lots of sun cover. It's a time when you want to be even more prepared than usual -- plus, knowing you're covered would probably make it even easier to relax. :)


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