June 18, 2013


beauty passport

I have so many favourites that I couldn't include all of them in one post. Missing is Canada and the U.S, which I've intentionally omitted as I review those products the most. Other top beauty favourites are from France! Which in itself would contribute to a whole post.
World Favourites:
Portugal-couto牙膏(can be found at fine food stores globally) but at a much higher price.
Claus Porto肥皂不仅散发出奇妙的气味,而且装饰艺术包装是如此漂亮!我是个傻瓜pretty packaging。另外,在美食和家居装饰商店很容易找到。

收集化妆品(以前是Collection 2000),我对我的同事们迷上了持久的完美遮瑕膏很多次。希望在产妇离开时,其中一个能带我回来!廉价的化妆系列带有一些命中,但也有些错过。

西班牙-Heno de Pravia, widely available in Spain.Love the scent of these body care products! Shoppers Drug Mart carried this line years ago but discontinued.

日本- 另一个携带精美头发和护肤产品的国家。我的top favesare:Shiseido Tsubakishampoos and conditioner.

Brazil-in Brazil you can find the best haircare products for dry hair. Beauty supply stores are easily found which carry salon brands. Novex carries a bamboo deep hair conditioner that my hair absolutely adores!
O Boticario,出售香水,化妆和身体护理产品。也可以在葡萄牙找到。我的最爱包括身体保湿剂和防晒线。


1 comment

  1. Wow!!! They really seem great products. No wonder why you love them. Most of my favorites are very easy to find so I am not having a hard time finding them when I need them. I also make sure that they are easy to find so it will be hassle free for me =)


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