(picture of 2nd bedroom from open house) As a blogger having a creative space to blog is a bonus in any house. But as a beauty blogger ...
via Desire to Inspire mixing up frame styles Today was one of those Sunday's spent at IKEA buying a few accessories, mainly buying Ribba...
Using the runway as your source for interior design inspirations...obviously my love for beauty and fashion is apparent but ever since I got...
carpets coming out Last month my husband and I finally got the keys to our new home, yay! This is our first home together so it was an excit...
On October 15, 2011 I officially became a Mrs! Look for Wedding pictures as they slowly come in on bonitabride.blogspot.com ! Overall, every...
During the colder months snuggling in bed with your significant other is the best feeling...that or sitting by the fireplace (just grap a pi...
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